Posted on May 8, AM in News

On  May 4th 2020, the webinar “European Small Claims Procedure – European procedure for the resolution of cross-border small” was held as part of the European project SCAN – Small Claims Analysis Net -. The event was promoted by the Department of Enterprise and Management of the LUISS University of Rome within the European project SCAN – Small Claims Analysis Net – within the Private Law course held by Professor Silvio Martuccelli – Scientific Director of the SCAN project, LUISS Unit-. The seminar was held by Professor Martuccelli and PhDs Irene Abignente and Rita Tuccillo. During the event was analyzed the small claims procedure as governed by Reg. CE 2007/861 and Reg. EU 15/2421. The aim of the seminar was to promote and disseminate the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP) so that it can become a valid and effective resolution instrument for legal practitioners, entrepreneurs and consumers. All the information necessary to know and use the procedure has therefore been provided to stakeholders. A special focus was given to the treatment of concrete cases and to the simulation of the procedure through the e-Justice portal.

LUISS Dissemination Workshop 04/05/2020