Posted on Mar 7, PM in News

Small Claims Analysis Net project aims at making the European Small Claims Procedure very fast, efficient and understandable especially for consumers.

That’s why ADICONSUM (Associazione Italiana Difesa Consumatori ed Ambiente) is part of the SCAN Consortium. Adiconsum is a consumer organization founded in 1987 promoted by CISL’s trade union with above 63.000 members. It is a nationwide organization with local and regional offices throughout the Italian territory, providing individual and collective advice and assistance services directly to consumers to protect and promote their rights and interests.

According to Adiconsum experience, there are some problems to access the EU Small Claims Procedure, since, on one side there are few people who know this procedure and even they have a limited knowledge on how access it and further on the possibility to use it freely and autonomously without lawyers’ assistance.

Furthermore, specific issues arise for users, both at the starting point than at the final step of the proceeding. In fact, users usually do not know which is the right and relevant forum to access and then, once the European ruling is ready the application at national level becomes difficult.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of information of users, both consumers and creditors, Adiconsum is committed to carry out a specific dissemination activity on the EU small claims proceeding that foresees the following actions:

  • Design and implementation of several online materials and tools (short video spot, online banner) to promote and disseminate the project and its results through all communication channels, in particular online (Google and / or Facebook), and through the web sites of project partners and other stakeholders actively involved.
  • Newsletters articles of Adiconsum and European Consumers Centre Italy dedicated to the project and its results.
  • Collaboration with the Italian node of the “European Consumer Centres Network – ECC Net”, which supports forms of alternative dispute resolution and provides information and assistance to resolve cross-border consumption issues, by informing on European legislation, its national implementation and national enforcement bodies.
  • Promotion of the project activities and results during the European Consumers Centre Italy and Adiconsum’s events and the participation of Adiconsum representatives to external relevant conferences.
  • Involvement of consumers associations of other Member States than those included in the project partner’s consortium.

Adiconsum has already disseminated several articles to explain SCAN project. Here the articles about SCAN by Adiconsum, and here the articles about SCAN by Ecc-Net Italy.